Assault & Battery
Assault and battery crimes have the same evidence issues as domestic violence, however, they usually have much different dynamics in that often they involve a stranger to the defendant or someone that, although related or known, is certainly not the intimate partner residing with the defendant. Barroom brawls, road rage, sporting events, parties are just some of the places where many assault and battery cases can arise from.
Like domestic violence cases, assault and battery cases are usually decided on a few significant things: injuries and their extent; witnesses, either eye or ear witnesses and their proximity to the incident; corroborating or contradictory evidence that can be gleamed from the 911 call; and any extenuating circumstances such as security videos from nearby buildings, past or present violence or threats by one party or the other. When these significant things are not dispositive or definitive one way or the other, this is the start of reasonable doubt.
The common defenses other than “I didn’t do it” are self-defense and mutual combat, which of course, are considered in the totality of the circumstances involving many factors.
Assault and battery charges can have serious consequences in a number of ways such as present and/or future employment, school and may other ways. You need an attorney who will minimize or eliminate those consequences as much as possible.
If you have been arrested for assault and/or battery, whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor, Mr. Campion can help you fight your case and devise a winning strategy that will lead to a fair and just resolution.
The common defenses other than “I didn’t do it” are self-defense and mutual combat, which of course, are considered in the totality of the circumstances involving many factors.
John Campion